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Yocto/SceneIO: Scene serialization

Yocto/SceneIO is a collection of functions to load and save images, shapes, and scene elements, together with path manipulation utilities. The list of supported file formats in included in the sections below. Yocto/SceneIO is implemented in yocto_sceneio.h and yocto_sceneio.cpp, and depends on json.hpp for Json serialization, and stb_image.h, stb_image_write.h and tinyexr.h for the image serialization.

Image serialization

Use ok = load_image(filename, image, error) to load images and ok = save_pbrt(filename, image, error) to save them.
Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to an image, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. The library supports loading and saving to JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, HDR, EXR.

auto error = string{};
auto image = image_data{};              // define an image
if(!load_image(filename, image, error)) // load image
  handle_error(error);                   // check and print error
if(!save_image(filename, image, error)) // save image
  handle_error(error);                   // check and print error

When loading images, the color space is detected by the filename and stored in the returned image. Since color space information is not present in many images and since it is customary in 3D graphics to misuse color encoding, e.g. normal maps stored in sRGB, during loading 8bit file formats are assume to be encoded sRGB, while float formats are assumed to be encoded in linear RGB. Use is_hdr_filename(filename) to determine whether a supported format contains linear float data. When saving images, pixel values are converted to the color space supported by the chosen file format.

Shape serialization

Use ok = load_shape(filename, shape, error) to load shapes and ok = save_shape(filename, shape, error) to save them.
Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to a model, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. The library supports loading and saving to Ply, Obj, Stl.

auto shape = shape_data{};                   // shape
auto error = string{};                       // error buffer
if(!load_shape(filename, shape, error))      // load shape
if(!save_shape(filename, shape, error))      // save shape

During loading, the library chooses whether to store triangles or quads. By default, texture coordinates are flipped vertically to match the convention of OpenGL texturing; this can be disabled by setting the flipv flag.

Face-Varying shape serialization

Use ok = load_fvshape(filename, fvshape, error) to load face-varying shapes and ok = save_fvshape(filename, fvshape, error) to save them.
Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to a shape, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. The library supports loading and saving to Ply, Obj, Stl.

auto fvshape = fvshape_data{};               // face-varying shape
auto error = string{};                       // error buffer
if(!load_fvshape(filename, fvshape, error))  // load shape
if(!save_fvshape(filename, fvshape, error))  // save shape

Face-varying shapes are coerced to quads, regardless of the polygon type stored in the file. By default, texture coordinates are flipped vertically to match the convention of OpenGL texturing; this can be disabled by setting the flipv flag.

Scene serialization

Use ok = load_scene(filename, scene, error) to load scenes and ok = save_scene(filename, scene, error) to save them.
Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to a scene, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. The library supports loading and saving to a custom Json format, Obj, glTF, Pbrt, and all shape file formats.

auto scene = scene_data{};               // scene
auto error = string{};                   // error buffer
if(!load_scene(filename, scene, error))  // load scene
if(!save_scene(filename, scene, error))  // save scene

Texture serialization

Use ok = load_texture(filename, texture, error) to load textures and ok = save_texture(filename, texture, error) to save them.
Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to a texture, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. Yocto/SceneIO supports loading and saving to JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, HDR, EXR.

auto error = string{};
auto texture = texture_data{};              // define a texture
if(!load_texture(filename, texture, error)) // load texture
  handle_error(error);                       // check and print error
if(!save_texture(filename, texture, error)) // save texture
  handle_error(error);                       // check and print error

When loading textures, the color space and bit depth is detected by the filename. Texture are loaded as float for float file formats, and as bytes for 8bit file formats. Since color space information is not present in many images, we assume that byte textures are encoded in sRGB, and float texture in linear RGB. Use is_hdr_filename(filename) to determine whether a supported format contains linear float data. When saving images, pixel values are converted to the color space supported by the chosen file format.

Text and binary serialization

Use ok = load_text(filename, text, error) to load text files and ok = save_text(filename, text, error) to save them.
Use ok = load_binary(filename, data, error) to load binary files and ok = save_binary(filename, data, error) to save them. Both loading and saving take a filename, a reference to a string or data buffer, and an error string, and returns a boolean that indicated whether the operation is successful. Text is stored as a string and binary data is stored as an array of bytes. Use without exception is supported as described above.

auto text = string{};
auto error = string{};
if(!load_text("input_file.txt",  text, error))          // load text
if(!save_text("output_file.txt", text, error))          // save text
auto data = vector<byte>{};
load_binary("input_file.bin",  data);        // load data
save_binary("output_file.bin", data);        // save data

Path manipulation utilities

Yocto/CommonIO contains several helper function to manipulate paths. Paths are encoded in UTF8 across the library and these functions make it easier to handle UTF8-encoded paths across operating systems, by wrapping std::filesystem with a string interface.

Use path_dirname(filename), path_extension(filename),
path_filename(filename), path_basename(fillename) to extract the directory, extension, filename and basename from a path. Use path_join(patha,pathb) to joins paths and replace_extension(filename,ext) to replace a path extension. Use path_exists(filename) to check if a path exists and path_isdir(filename) and path_isfile(filename) to check whether it is a directory ot file respectively. Use ok = list_directory(dirname, error) to list directory contents, ok = make_directory(dirname, error) to create a directory, and path_current() to get the current directory.