Fabio Pellacini

Full Professor of Computer Science
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


I am a Full Professor in Computer Science at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Before then, I was an Associate and Full Professor at in Computer Science at Sapienza Università di Roma, an Assistant and Associate Professor in Computer Science at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League University, a Visiting Assistant Professor in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University and worked in the R&D division of Pixar Animation Studios. I received an MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University and a Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Parma.

I work on using Computer Graphics methods to solve design problems, with emphasis on the design, creative and entertainment industries. The core approach of my group is to combine algorithms and efficient systems to allow professional designers as well as novices to create 3D scenes with significantly less effort. We investigate algorithms based on numerical methods and machine learning, to allow intuitive and interactive editing of complex environments. We made a significant impact in the area of appearance design (patterns, materials, and lights), appearance fabrication, evaluation and visualization of designers' workflows, and cloud-based collaborative design.

For my research contributions, I received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and have been nominated as a Junior Faculty Fellow for Sapienza's Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanti. I regularly publish in the most prestigious Computer Graphics venues, and have been on the program committee of the most prestigious conferences in the field.



Leading Journal Articles: SIGGRAPH, TOG, PAMI, TVCG



Book chapters


University Courses

Conference Courses